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University Development

UC San Diego Advancement’s University Development is the frontline fundraising team responsible for supporting general campus and Scripps Institution of Oceanography leadership in securing philanthropic funding that advances opportunity for their students, faculty and initiatives.

University Development (UD) staff members contribute expertise in development leadership, strategy, fundraising and communications. The UD team includes senior development officers and their teams who support eight campus divisions and schools, and central UD staff who provide leadership and support for development teams and fundraising for university institutes and centers.


Drew Hunsinger
Associate Vice Chancellor | (858) 822-1070

Paulyne Becerra
Senior Executive Director of Development, Student Success and Campus Programs | (858) 534-7424

Lynsey Buerer
Chief of Staff and Operations | (858) 246-1855

Doug Kurtz
Managing Executive Director of Development, Campus-wide Campaign Initiatives | (858) 534-8074

Kerry McCartney
Senior Executive Director of Development | (858) 246-1805

Rebecca Tseng Smith
Senior Executive Director of Development | (858) 822-3786

James Vermillion
Senior Director, Donor Strategy | (858) 822-6618

Central University Development

Central University Development provides leadership to support development operations and fundraising teams across campus. Our central operations staff provides strategy planning for donor cultivation, solicitation and stewardship; talent acquisition, management and development; resources management; and vetting of proposals and gift agreements to ensure compliance with standards, quality and strategy. Central UD development officers secure philanthropic funding to support campus institutes, centers and initiatives, such as the 21st Century India Center and the UC San Diego Craft Center. The UD communications team shapes development communications strategy in partnership with other communications units and resources across the university; composes donor communications including case statements, proposals, one-sheets, impact reports and collateral; and offers editorial guidance and creative support.

Lynsey Buerer | (858) 246-1855

Arts and Humanities

The School of Arts and Humanities spans six departments, including literature, history, philosophy, theatre and dance, visual arts and music. Philanthropic support enables the division to advance students' foundational knowledge within a framework of critical thinking, ethical questioning, creative expression and clear communication.

Arts and Humanities website

April Bridges | (858) 246-5506


Athletics development supports the 23 highly competitive men's and women's teams as they complete the transition to Division I while creating relationships with loyal partners who are committed to the success of our scholar-athletes and reinforce the Triton legacy of academic and athletic excellence.

Athletics website

Matt Wittig
Senior Director of Development, Athletics | (858) 534-3540

Biological Sciences

The School of Biological Sciences engages in emerging research from genetics to the microbiome. Philanthropic support enables the division to advance scientific knowledge and apply research discoveries in ways that improve human health, protect our environment, and enrich our economy.

Biological Sciences website

Julie K. Paolillo | (619) 310-1381

Global Policy and Strategy

The School of Global Policy and Strategy addresses the crucial society challenges of the 21st century, offering graduate degree programs in international affairs and public policy with a focus on the Americas and Asia. Philanthropic support enables the school to prepare new generations of leaders who solve complex problems in a diverse and interconnected world.

Global Policy and Strategy website

Donna Armand | (610) 742-9032

Jacobs School of Engineering

The Jacobs School of Engineering is at the forefront of training technology leaders and fueling research that will benefit society. Philanthropic support enables the school to provide the human and intellectual capital that will drive our innovation society now and in the future.

Jacobs School of Engineering website

Adrienne Bolli | (619) 709-4054

Marine Sciences

With specialties that span every aspect of marine, earth and atmospheric sciences, Scripps Institution of Oceanography is home to forerunners in climate change, medicine and data. Philanthropic support enables Scripps Oceanography to develop solutions that restore our habitats and resources, and safeguard our future by preserving the planet.

Birch Aquarium at Scripps Institution of Oceanography serves as the interpretive center of the institution and showcases Scripps research and a diverse array of marine life through exhibits and programming. Philanthropic support ensures the evolution of Birch Aquarium’s mission to engage and inspire the public, and connect understanding with protecting our ocean planet.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography website

David Hanses | (858) 246-3276

Physical Sciences

The School of Physical Sciences has been vital to the university’s transformation into one of the world’s top research institutions. Philanthropic support enables the division to empower students and faculty to blaze new trails in advancing scientific understanding for global good.

Physical Sciences website

Claudia Ehrlich | 858-534-1171

Rady School of Management

The Rady School of Management is a nexus for management research with economic impact. Philanthropic support enables the school to develop ethical and entrepreneurial leaders who make a positive impact in the world through innovation, collaboration and knowledge.

Rady School of Management website

Henry Geng, (858) 534-2336

Social Sciences

Encompassing a range of disciplines with the common core of service, the School of Social Sciences aims to build a world where opportunities abound for everyone. Philanthropic support enables the division to prepare students to be changemakers, from reinventing policy solutions to addressing disparities and improving educational outcomes.

Social Sciences website

Stephanie Venti | (858) 246-0372

Student Success and Campus Programs

Student Success and Campus Programs provides donors with opportunities to support vital campus programs and areas that directly impact student support and success such as Chancellor’s Associates; the Library; Teaching + Learning Commons; Basic Needs; The Preuss School UC San Diego; Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion; parent and family programs; and many others. 

Paulyne Becerra
Senior Executive Director of Development, Student Success and Campus Programs | (858) 534-7424